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目前分類:西洋老歌Old-fashioned (38)

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Back up on the mended road


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Suze Rotolo, a Face, With Bob Dylan, of '60s Music, Is Dead at 67 ...


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Bob Dylan 的歌詞要一番研究才知道他作詞的巧思

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「bruce springsteen we are the world」的圖片搜尋結果

「bruce springsteen we are the world」的圖片搜尋結果

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Related image


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Image result for keane

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Image result for amazed lonestar

This song is a memory of my childhood. I remember listening to this in our old Nissun,and we would stop across from a breakfast store which sales clay rolls and fried bread sticks. We would sit on the car waiting for dad to get us breakfst, and we would embark on our weekend trip. The memory is a sunny day, I can still feel a beam of sunshine on us. My brother and I had our own folder filling with English songs' lyrics then.

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Now, I don't wanna lose you

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I remember there were two Bruce Springsteen's songs we used to play in my mom's car.Here's The River,and the other was Fire.It is always a great way to sort your thoughts through Bruce Springstee's songs.They tell different people's life stories while you can compartmentalize them into certain types.With the knowledge of everyone is different,we also realize that we share something similar with others.Tags label us as particular groups.Once you've got nine out of ten similar tags,you almost share the same destiny.Which reminds me of a quote from film Coach Carter,he said:

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